Monday, August 13, 2012

Big Week!

Good afternoon!  I apologize for the delay in updates - but there has been little new information to forward.  Julie, Megan, Allison, and I - along with our families - spent the last week basking in the tropical breezes of Maui.  It was a wonderful opportunity to leave our cares and daily responsibilities behind, and just enjoy the company of our loved ones.

Just kidding.  In the last 2 weeks Allison moved her family of 6 into a new house, Megan played nurse to her husband who endured ACL surgery and will be grumpy for the next 9 months, Julie accompanied Jeff to chemo appointments while maintaining her own busy schedule of appointments, and I hung a "do not disturb mommy" sign on my bedroom door and slept for a week.  I'm only up and posting now because my family is out of clean underwear.

Jeff is showing Interferon who's boss - thank goodness!  Last week he powered through 5 straight days of infusion at a 33% reduction.  His side effects have been minimal and he is enjoying his daily outings to MSTI.  Julie claims he has the entire staff wrapped around his finger.  The moment he checks in for his infusion he orders a huge all-meat sandwich, chips, soda, and his new favorite - Lorna Doone shortbread cookies.  I have to smile while typing this.  The thought of Jeff ordering piles and piles of food, telling jokes, and entertaining the entire floor while bags of the devil's juice flow into his body makes me so happy. 

Tomorrow Julie starts her chemo treatments.  Her drug of choice is FOLFOX, and her side effects should be easy breezy, lemon squeezy.  As you know, there is a genetic component to all cancers.  Our grandmother (my mom's mom) was diagnosed with colon cancer in her 60's, and lived 30+ years beyond her diagnosis.  Way to go Grandma Patten!  Tomorrow the 4 of us plus Caitlin will receive genetic counseling from the oncology team at MSTI.  We are saying goodbye to red meat and embracing a diet of high fiber foods.  A clean colon is a happy colon. 

It has been brought to my attention that many of you are having difficulty posting comments on this blog.  If you are not a blogger yourself, you can post a comment below by clicking on the little 'comment' icon, type your comment in the white box, and where it says "comment as" - open the drop down menu and click on 'anonymous.'  Your comment will be posted as ANONYMOUS, so make sure you sign your name in the white box at the end of your comment.

Thank you for keeping the Gaubys in your prayers.  I will post daily updates this week as Julie starts chemo.



  1. I am so glad you finally posted an update. I constantly think of Julie and Jeff. And will look forward to hearing all about it this week. Kick some butt Julie!!!! ;)
    Jacki Buchanan

  2. Thanks Jacki! I plan to :)

  3. Our happy thoughts, prayers and love are sent your way. If anyone can face this mountain with grace, you can.

    Much love,

    Kimberly Fuhriman

  4. Our happy thoughts, prayers and love are sent your way. If anyone can face this mountain with grace, you can.

    Much love,

    Kimberly Fuhriman

  5. Hi Ho from Mason's preschool teacher and the lady who thinks you are indispensible at Indoor Park... so I'm hoping all is going well -- sure do appreciate these updates!

    Merrily Weidner

  6. Hi Merrily, thanks for posting. I feel pretty good other than my stomach is often unhappy! I plan to visit Indoor Park this fall :)
